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  • Staff Mobility Program for Partners

    The Faculty of Pharmacy of Marseille is delighted to welcome foreign partners interested in conducting their mobility with us. Our staff mobility program provides a unique opportunity for knowledge exchange, skill enhancement, and international collaboration. We collaborate with numerous institutions worldwide through the Erasmus+ program and other bilateral agreements.

    Our partners include renowned universities and research centers. This collaboration serves to strengthen academic and professional ties between institutions and offers rewarding mobility opportunities for staff members.

    The staff mobility program is intended for administrative, technical, and teaching staff from partner universities abroad. Whether you want to exchange best practices, improve your language skills, or collaborate on research projects, our faculty provides a conducive environment for your professional development.

    Find the list of Erasmus+ and non-European partner universities on the interactive map of the Faculty of Pharmacy.

    • Staff Teaching Assignment (STA) Mobility
    • Staff Training (STT) Mobility


    International mobility allows:

    • Conducting a teaching or training assignment abroad: delivering courses/trainings in a partner institution;
    • Participating in a training activity abroad: attending training sessions, internships, conferences, or seminars at a partner institution;
    • Undertaking a visit to a higher education institution or company, as part of professional development activities: training, observation missions, and exchange of best practices;
    • Hosting a teacher or expert to provide training at our institution;
    • Hosting a teacher or scientific researcher in training for an observational internship at our institution.

    The mobility duration ranges from 2 days to 2 months.

    Are you a foreign professional interested in participating in the Staff Mobility Program at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Marseille? Follow these steps:


    1. Project Validation: Validate your mobility project with your university or institution to ensure its relevance and feasibility.
    2. Mobility Search: Identify mobility opportunities that meet your professional needs and objectives. For teaching mobilities, ensure you are invited by a professor from our faculty. For training mobilities, consult our International Relations and Research Office.
    3. Submission of Application: Submit your mobility project to the International Relations and Research Office for validation and signature.


    We look forward to welcoming you to the Faculty of Pharmacy of Marseille and collaborating with you within this mobility program. For further information, feel free to contact us at

  • Mobility for AMU Staff

    Did you know that international mobility isn't just for students, but also for teachers, researchers, as well as technical and administrative teams?

    International mobility enables sending teaching-research staff and non-teaching staff for educational or professional development purposes in a partner country via the Erasmus+ or Non-European program.

    • Meet and strengthen connections with international partners
    • Establish new partnerships, collaborations, and expand the network of contacts
    • Enhance professional, linguistic, and intercultural skills
    • Maximize professional development and career growth opportunities

    All teaching-research staff and non-teaching personnel (permanent and contractual) affiliated with the Faculty of Pharmacy at Aix-Marseille University are eligible to participate.

    • Staff Teaching Assignment (STA) Mobility
    • Staff Training (STT) Mobility


    International mobility allows:

    • Conducting a teaching or training assignment abroad: delivering courses/trainings in a partner institution;
    • Participating in a training activity abroad: attending training sessions, internships, conferences, or seminars at a partner institution;
    • Undertaking a visit to a higher education institution or company, as part of professional development activities: training, observation missions, and exchange of best practices;
    • Hosting a teacher or expert to provide training at our institution;
    • Hosting a teacher or scientific researcher in training for an observational internship at our institution.

    The mobility duration ranges from 2 days to 2 months.

    Before embarking on international mobility, participants are advised to inquire about the specific requirements of the selected host institution.

    The International Relations and Research Office offers staff members foreign language books to help them improve their proficiency before their departure for mobility.

  • Destination catalog

    Find the list of Erasmus+ and Non-European partner universities on the interactive map of the Faculty of Pharmacy.


    The existence of an agreement between our institution and the partner institution abroad is mandatory.

    If you wish to establish new partnerships, please contact the International Relations and Research Office.


  • Financial support

    As part of your international training mobility, you may receive financial assistance to cover your mobility expenses (including travel and stay costs). However, this support is designed to partially cover the expenses associated with your mobility.


    Erasmus+ Funding:

    The Erasmus agency provides funding to help offset the costs of your stay and travel, with the amount determined based on the destination and duration of your mobility.


    Non-Erasmus+ and non-European Funding:

    Aix-Marseille University offers the Plan de Mobilité Sortante (PMS) to finance international mobilities beyond the Erasmus+ program and/or outside of Europe. This scheme aims to fund short stays of up to 7 days (including 5 days on-site and 2 days of travel).

  • Application

    The application procedure is managed by the International Relations and Research Department.


    Send a brief description of your project to


    - Type of mobility (Teaching ? Training? Internship to observe and exchange best practices? Staff week?)

    - Host institution (name of institution, city and country)

    - Dates of the mobility

International Relations and Research Department

Grand Hall du Bâtiment Pharmacie

Instagram : @srir_pharmarseille


Horaires d'ouverture :

du lundi au vendredi

8h-11h30 - 13h30-16h

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Vice-doyen chargé des Relations Internationales
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Chargée Service Relations Internationales et Recherche