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To carry out an international mobility

Students enrolled in a course at the Faculty of Pharmacy have the opportunity to carry out a study period or one of their compulsory internships abroad.

International cooperation, within the framework of the Erasmus + program, has been set up to facilitate these exchanges. The first step for a mobility is to consult the list of partnerships with the International Relations and Research Department. Internships can also be carried out in non-partner institutions or companies, in Europe and outside Europe. The International Relations and Research Department is at your disposal to help you make your mobility project a reality.

Going abroad is an important project that needs to be organized: thus, any departure abroad as part of the training must be supervised by an internship agreement. As soon as you have a mobility project, it is essential to contact the International Relations and Research Department to organize your departure. A compulsory administrative file will be established.

To carry out an international mobility

Students enrolled in a course at the Faculty of Pharmacy have the opportunity to carry out a study period or one of their compulsory internships abroad.

International cooperation, within the framework of the Erasmus + program, has been set up to facilitate these exchanges. The first step for a mobility is to consult the list of partnerships with the International Relations and Research Department. Internships can also be carried out in non-partner institutions or companies, in Europe and outside Europe. The International Relations and Research Department is at your disposal to help you make your mobility project a reality.

Going abroad is an important project that needs to be organized: thus, any departure abroad as part of the training must be supervised by an internship agreement. As soon as you have a mobility project, it is essential to contact the International Relations and Research Department to organize your departure. A compulsory administrative file will be established.


Find the list of Erasmus + and non-European partner universities on the interactive map of the Faculty of Pharmacy.


Quels sont les financements disponibles ?

Dans le cadre de votre séjour à l’étranger, vous pourrez bénéficier d'un soutien financier pour vos frais de mobilité. Cependant, veuillez noter que cette aide n'est pas destinée à couvrir l'intégralité de vos frais de mobilité et est sujette à vérification de dossier.


Bourse Erasmus+ : 

Aide de l’Agence Erasmus pour tout départ dans une université ou d’une entreprise d’un pays participant au programme Erasmus+. Le montant varie en fonction de la destination.

Bourse AMI :

Aide à la mobilité internationale (AMI) destinée aux étudiants boursiers du gouvernement français (CROUS). Le montant varie en fonction des critères sociaux.

Bourse de la Région PACA :

Le Programme d’Aide Régional à la Mobilité, proposé par la Région PACA, n’est pas cumulable avec d’autres bourses. Le montant varie en fonction des critères sociaux.


Le Service Relations Internationales et Recherche est l'interface pour la constitution des dossiers de demande de financement.



Comment participer ?

La procédure de candidature est gérée par le Service Relations Internationales et Recherche


Contactez-nous :

International Relations Department

Contact à ajouter
Vice-doyen chargé des Relations Internationales
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Service Relations Internationales et Recherche